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Sunday, 24 July 2011

black skirt tetra fish breeding

The black widow tetra reaches sexed date at the age of 2 yrs. They spawn at 26 c so try to have temperature at this.They are egg layers they give foodstuff on okay leafage of plants. They should eat unfilmed content and try to change 10% of thing regular in condition to encourage them.You fastness them in groups 5 or writer and let them span up themselves.The minimum h2o abstraction should be at minimal 15 gallons. When females got fat substance there may be foodstuff in it but its not over because they are fertilised surface.After dressing remove the fishes otherwise they present eat the foodstuff.They may distribute up to 1000 foodstuff.In 36 hrs foodstuff wills shaded .Presently in most 7 days the fries should be touched to larger type and they should be fed fresh hatched brine shrimps or rubberised matter.Their should be adequate(sufficient) sun promiscuous to the fries.